Monday, January 31, 2011


Ooh baby check out that sexy "Peacock" coloured polo shirt. Yeah that's right be jealous. Yeah.. nah. Why are school uniforms so.. hmm let be put this lightly... hideously ugly. I can imagine this room with board of trusties sitting at a long conference table with one balding late 30's guy wearing glasses at one end with a whiteboard and a long stick pointing out uniform options. Then eventually they pick out this styly affordable uniform they know the students will love. Then one of the teachers on the board puts up there hand and says "why not get that one?" points to the ugly green "Its cheaper to buy, we can charge double, and use the profits and left over money to buy wine and coffee... Plus the students will hate it" The guy in the glasses thinks for a moment. Then says "all in favor for the green say aye" without hesitation the whole room says "aye" then they open a bottle of champagne.
Thats what I believe happened, and not just at the school I'm going to. At my old school we wore bright yellow blouse and Scottish style skirts. At my intermediate we had bright red polo shirts and green skirts (christmas much) and at primary we wore skorts... nuff said lol
shorts+skirt=skort.  (not the one I had but still ick)
How are your feelings on school uniform? what is yours like? Horrible? Or are you one of the lucky ones, where the money didn't go to coffee and wine for the teachers and you got a nice one?

On a completely different note look what I got! Sushi candles yee yah!
Yes ain't my photography skills amazing.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hot Pool Lovers

I've been on holiday :) yay. I bet my new FOLLOWERS (double yay) are wondering why I haven't posted actually I'm getting a bit up myself I bet they don't even give a sh** :) Any way while I was away in Tauranga visiting family and enjoying the little sun there was I have been thinking about my blog and what to write which resulted in a shit load of pics you must all see and this 'Hot Pool Lovers'
 I was at the Mount Salt Water Hot Pools the other night you know swimming about when I noticed all these couples. Which made me feel a bit out of place as I went with the family and was looking after my gorgeous two year old cousin. I weird thing is I sat there for ages watching this one couple without realizing it saying "kiss kiss kiss" in my head then when they did my head changed to "OMG that is disgusting, families people, hello theres kids here and you want to make a new one in front of them eww" Its strange because as a girl I dream about meeting the right guy and kissing in public but when I see others I find in inappropriate (lol big words) or is that just me? Anyway I was watching this couple for ages when I realised "shit, turn head, turn head. Ok look over there for a while make it look like I look everywhere. Shit man stop looking at them." Then I noticed more couples, a teen couple, a lesbian couple, a elderly couple, and young couples. I don't know why watching couples is interesting to me. Do any of you guys find yourself watching couples? If so how do you know how long to watch? because my timing sucks I think I really freaked out some of those hot pool lovers lol.

Here are some pics from my holiday that really cracked me up (now you shall gain a taste of my nerdy humor)
On the way there we stopped at the supermarket and I saw this on the receipt. LOL man I want a piece of the moon :)
Haha someone took the time to take off all the L's at the end of Pool on the hot pool sign. If who ever did this ever reads this I love you and if your a guy marry me. I cracked up! I know its simple but man yeah love it. :P

They even did this sign :)
But when I saw this sign. Oh the disappointment. I would have done I myself but I'm just not rebelious enough.sigh.
Yes its lame but I laughed. Would you like a brand new, in the box antique candle holder :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here's the post I forgot to post yesterday;

I'm short. 2.62 meters (I don't know how tall that is in feet and I really don't care so if you do you can do the conversions ;) Mostly being short sucks. Like the time I went to Rainbows End (theme park) and my friend was too short to drive the carts (shes shorted than me)
I blocked her eyes for privacy so I made her some epic glasses on my editing program "paint" yeah I'm technologically advanced gee. (check out the background photobomb much tehe)

 Ok back to short. For years I have focused on the negatives of being short, being mistaken for being younger than I am, tall people sitting in front of me at the movies, having to push the seat right forward to drive, never being able to be a model etc. etc. But I have now realized that being short has its advantages. Like when I go out to places like the movies, theme parks, anything that has child prices I can always get in on child prices, no questions asked even though I'm 15 woop woop. Being short I attract short friends, so I'm not always the shortest in my group of friends. I can fit in to small areas and rescue small children (though I have never actually done that). I'm lower to the ground so its less windy, I'm assuming lol. I can reach lower and get the good bargains on chocolate at the bottom of the shelves at the supermarket.
Even though I'm happy with being short I always get the feeling that this is gonna happen to me
Supermarket checkout person: "I'm sorry to buy this bottle of wine you need to be over 18 can I see some ID?"
Me: "Dude, I'm 25, look I'm married, look my 1 year old daughters in the trolley, I'm a fashion designer, look your wearing one of my belts, I'm not under 18!"
SCP: "I've heard it all before mam, can I please see some ID"
Yes just one of my very strange fears
Now please tell me are you short? Do you think its good or bad ? Please comment give me a little feedback, follow me :) now. go on. do it. Its just a little button at the top of the screen. You know you want too.


Love is weird you can love do many things in so many different ways.
You can love a certain food of love an activity
Loving a person has different loves, friend love, partner love, family love
I love my kitten Joey like he was my baby so this post is in loving memory of Joey the cutest kitten to ever walk the planet October 2010-January 2011 I'm sorry your life was so short, if it helps I hate rottweilers too, and I hope that you are somewhere beautiful :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toy Story 3 Gee

I brought Toy Story 3 a couple of days ago Yus! Its like a classic, an end to an era, an amazing movie, go and watch it god dammit. While watching I noticed those 'like thingys' on facebook are 100% correct. You know ones like this;
Primary School: "Yay, look mummy a new Disney movie, lets go see it, please mummy?"
Intermediate: "Gay, animation I'm soo not seeing that shit I'm too cool"
High School: "OMG a new Disney movie!!!! Move out of the way kids!!!"
I have see these heaps on facebook and you know, thought it was funny pressed like and went on to the next thing. This is what happened when I watched Toy Story 3 with the family,
13 year old sister; "You brought Toy Story 3, gay"
7 year old step sister; "Yaaay, I've wanted to see this for ages!!"
*Put in DVD sit on the couch with step sister
Me; "Oh my god i love this movie its awesome"
Step Sis; "sssh"
*3 step brothers and my sister sit down and watch
*movie ends
Step sis; "that was soo cool lets watch it again!"
Me; "hell to the yes"
3 step brothers, 11,13 and 14; "Gay"
The funny thing is the next day I stayed over at my friends and they watched it while I wasn't there, so maybe them facebook likes don't apply to Toy Story 3 because its too epic. Yes peoples watch it. Now. Go on everyone knows you love it.
Oh and please feel free to comment and follow me. Give me some feedback I love it, maybe tell me watcha think of Toy Story 3?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


For as long as I can remember I have been very bad at remembering lyrics to songs.
I don't know if anyone knows the song Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell? well anyway it was a huge hit and when I was little I LOVED it! I used to sing it loud in the car if it was on a tv show or movie (I know it was on Lizzie McGuire, I honestly don't know how I remember that) I would turn it up real loud and get told off by my parents (maybe thats why I remember Lizzie McGuire "Turn that down or no more Disney Channel") Anyway a while ago when my parents were still together we were going on a road trip and the only radio station that worked was of course Classic Hits (woo) and Somebody's Watching Me can on so I was all "Yeah yah turn it up." I was quietly singing along when my sister says "Hey mum, I have always wondered, what are the words?" I was feeling all cool and was like "Duh Sam, its 'I'm on speedboat... somebody's watching me'" Silence filled the car, then my parents both laughed. Then my Mum said "Dom, its 'I always feel like... somebody's watching me" I was very disappointed even to this day. The fact that the guy was on a speedboat then someone was watching him just made the song that much cooler, tell me if you were on a speedboat you would want to sing about it and want people to watch you being all cool on a speedboat coz hell I would.
This ain't the only song either heres a few examples
I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Real- "The taste of her cherry chapstick"
My Head- "The taste of her cherry chopsticks"
Theme song for Transformers
Real- "Transformers robots in disguise"
My Head- "Transformers robots in the sky"
Well there are a few more I just can't remember them at the moment, typical.

I have news! I went on a driving lesson today and my mum let me go faster than 30km/h yeah gee I got up to 50 I freaked and went back down to 40 lol.

Spose your expecting a picture now aren't yah aye? Yeah I don't have any. Just joking went to see my old buddy (don't yah love photo bombing peoples pics best part of tourist destinations) They key is to look in the background.
"Everybody take it off!... whoa dude in the back, not you, not you" - Ke$ha
 Epic. My spidey senses are tingling
Whoa calm down, calm down.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ok I Had to Add This

Haha, I just had to put this after my last blog about watermelon, it made me LOL so bad :)


Its watermelon season yus! and those big juicy melons are ripe and ready to eat! We ate our first watermelon that we grew on the orchard last night, it was delicious. While I ate my massive slice of juicy goodness I realized that there is about 7 different ways to eat watermelon
The first is what I like to call The Pip Spit when people take a bite then spit out the pips. Seriously guys, gross. My youngest step brother does the 'Pip Spit' and when I asked him why he said "Because a watermelon will grow inside of me" then I said "Dude, thats awesome then you won't have to waste time chewing its already there" Yeah, he didn't get it.
Next is The Annoying Nibble where people take little nibbles to eat there watermelon. If I wanted to watch a rat eating watermelon I would though a piece of watermelon under the house and watch.
The Cute Bite the cute little bite kids do, I don't know if this is really a watermelon bite because little kids are always cute. Same with kittens and puppies :)
Then theres The Weird Eating Of The White Bit Of The Watermelon yes this one truly annoys me. Why do people eat the whitey greeny bit of the watermelon? It has no flavor and is a crap way to end something so delicious. Guys I know were in recession and all that but why do you have to eat the whole watermelon?
The Sensual Bite which is just one of those sensual bites where your lip slowly pops up and you look someone straight in the eye, but with a watermelon.
My Favorite The Monster Rip and Chew the epic bite where you rip a huge piece of watermelon like a monster eating human flesh and take massive dramatic chews, and when your done red watermelon juice drips down your chin. Yes this is defiantly the most fun way to eat watermelon, but I usually eat mine like this
The Classic Lean Forward And Bite. Everybody loves a classic and 'The Classic Lean Forward And Bite' always cracks me up when I see someone doing it (even though I do it my self) I love watching people lean over to take a quick bite and not get juice on there clothes, but they get juice on there clothes anyway. Its even funnier if there wearing white lol
So guys please fell free to comment, tell me if you agree/disagree with the 7 ways to eat watermelon, if i have missed any other ways to eat watermelon, and I would love to hear how you eat watermelon :)
Here's the watermelon I ate last night :)
p.s sorry about the pick it was night the lighting is bad and my camera is shit.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a Slide weeeeee.

I am from South Auckland which if your from New Zealand you will know, its known to be 'tough' and if you know me, you know I'm not lol. Anyway since moving up here to Kerikeri I have noticed some very strange differences. Like last week I took my step sister to the park she was climbing one on those climby thingys and I was just sitting on one of the platforms when I noticed the tagging. Someone had tagged on the slide 'I'm a Slide Weeeeeeee!' and 'Gay' and 'Bum.' In South Auckland they tagged words you can't even read, swear words and names and stuff. I am not a fan of tagging, in fact I hate it but f you're gonna do it why write something as lame as 'bum'?
Now I just wanted to say YAAAAAAY I have two followers now woop woop :) please spread the word guys I love you. No really I do :D
Oh and now as promised, a picture.
I saw this on a bulletin board in the middle of Pihea with my friends yesterday. I cracked up! Who sells a kettle on a community bulletin board? Hasn't this guy heard of trademe? Lol

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stuff Tutorials.

Ok so I am definitely a Kiwi girl I buy something new like a cellphone and immediately though out the instructions. The other day I brought one of the random voice activated thingys (don't ask I don't know) I like always 'lost' the instructions and it didn't work I was so frustrated I was frantic, banging it on the table and shouting abuse to the Innocent little purple box (though I was convinced it was a piece of alien technology out to get me) Anyway I standing there about to though It out the window when my 7 year old step sister comes up to me and asks "Did you put in the batteries?" I opened the back of the box to see it empty "uhh yeah, do you think I'm stupid, pffffft ha, of course" She just blinked at me and looked at the instructions sitting at the top of the  rubbish bin.
Its not just instructions I am a serial offender against website tutorials, I always click skip to every website thinking I would easily learn as I go. Well it turns out for I should have watched the tutorial. I keep looking at other blogs and saying "wow" and going back to mine and thinking "wow this is shit" Soo please help me to make my blog a little cooler, joosh it up a bit lol. Please give me some tips I LOOOOOOOOVE you :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Answer To One Of The Worlds Most Asked Questions

I have done it! I have found the answer to why puppies are always on toilet roll adds, the answer is simply because kittens can't.
I got my kitten a few weeks ago the most gorgeous little guy on the planet (see pic below) named Joey (after Joey from the best tv show ever friends) Well last night I left my door slightly open and he nudged it open while i was asleep. I woke up the next morning hearing these freaky noises, I swear I thought there was a duct tape kidnap going on there was so much running and banging against the hall walls. I opened the door slowly holding a can of cool charm as defense, I looked down the hall to see a tiny kitten rushing up and down with a roll of toilet paper ripping it to shreds there was paper everywhere! It looked like snow!  
This is why puppies are on toilet adds and not kittens :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fishy Fishy

I was playing connect 4 the other day with one of my step brothers the other day when I realized just how competitive I really am. If you know me you will know that in class sport I stand on the side lines and cheer for the wrong team and are thinking 'wtf she doesn't have a competitive bone in her body.' Well I do. But only for games that matter like 'Snap' who wouldn't prefer to play snap rather than run up and down a boring old field?
Anyway I am indeed extremely competitive and I simply refuse to lose. If I lose its not because I 'lost' but because the other players 'obviously cheated' (in my head) I am 'always right' and always find a way to prove the others cheated.
Dominique in a typical game of Scrabble:
Friend: "Forbalsm is NOT a word Dominique!!"
Dominique: "Yes it is! Oooh triple word score that's 45! score!"
Friend: "No its not"
Dominique:"Yes look, triple word score!"
Friend: "But its not a word!"
Dominique: "Uh yes it is"
Friend: "Use forbalsm in a sentence then!"
Dominique: "You just did"
This could go on for hours because I refuse to be wrong
Dominique in a typical game of Fishy Fishy:
Dominique: "Wait, wait, thats not a pair!"
Friend: "Uh.. yes it is its two queens, see"
Dominique: "yeah, but thats a black queen and thats a red queen, it doesn't count"
Friend: "Um.. Dom your wrong, its defiantly a pair"
Dominique: "What kind of rules do you play by?"
and so on.
So yeah if I ever as you to play a friendly game of monopoly... its not gonna be friendly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Your Mum

'Your Mum' describes this phrase as "probably the most immortal phrase to bless this great earth. It may answer any question, and cause great havoc." I say ANNOYING. Its becoming so common that every time i hear it i want to punch somebody in the face.
*two days later* Dominique: "Oh no someone got run over i wonder who it was?" Friend: "Your Mum" Dominique: *PUNCH* "Oh shit sorry you were right"
No just kidding (i love you mummy, you know that <3)

Seriously though doesn't it piss you off when this happens?
Dominique: "Oh shiz who took my pen? we have a test next period"
Friend: "Your Mum"

When this happens...
Dominique: "That looks like a nice ice cream what flavor is it?
Friend: "Your Mum"

Or This...
Dominique: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhit that hurt, oh god my toe!!!!, owwwwwwww"
Friend: "Your Mum"

But its even worse when they do this...
Dominique: "Oh my god thats so gay I'm not doing that"
Friend: "Your mums gay"
Dominique: "No shes not, shes married"
Friend; "Your mum"
Dominique; "What?"
Friend: "Your face"

I once tried to be cool and I was all "Your Dad" after my step brother said "Your Mum" him and my step sister just starred and said "Nah you failed, bummed out"
Which made me wonder... Why is "Your Mum" so 'bumming' but not "Your Dad"?

When You Wake, Wake, Wake Up On A Seely

Has anyone heard stupid jingles and advertising songs that just stay stuck in your head?
Well i do... all the time. I was layering peanut butter onto my vogels toast this morning when i found my self singing the seely mattress jingle. I was digging in deep into the jar while singing "when you wake, wake, wake up on a seeeeeeeeeeeely, oh my, my, my what a wonderful day." Then this got me thinking, I do this often, last night I was squirting some colgate onto my toothbush singing my heart out "what a way to start a holiday. Ooooooooooh cruuusing on the interislander (sing it inter-eyes-land-errr) sailing to the other side" I guess i shouldn't be surprised i'm a sucker for even the shittyist advertising. I'm the mornings while I wait for Packed To The Rafters to come on I sit though half an hour of "Great Ideas From The TV Shop" (infomercials) I watch and go oh i want that! I must have the Aqua Lazer Mop!, The Ahh Bra, The Woolrest Biomag and Your Baby Can Read. WTF is a 16 year old supposed to do with a steam mop?! I duno but I know one thing for sure I am never getting a credit card because if i did i know i would end up with a 'Bilarmy', i have robe I can wear it backwards!

Shop Assitants

Don't you hate it when you buy something from a shop and the shop assistants a talking while serving you?
 Because i went to Caltex at Pihea today just to buy some ice creams. I went up to the counter put the mint trumpets down (yum omg i can not belive they ever took them away thank god there back on our shelves) anyway i put them down and the guys like thats 6 dollars or something like that i handed over my card and the guys says "hey did you see that guy just before" and i punched in my pin and said shyly "err what?... yeah i saw him" and laughed awkwardly. The guy stared at me funny and the sales assistant next to him said "yeah the one with the boat?" and the two continued their conversation. Then there was me standing there embarrassed waiting for what seemed like forever for a simple transaction to go though. The problem is when these things happen theres not much you can do to cover it up. You could 1. pretend your talking to the person next to you (unfortunately for me i was the only one in the shop) 2. laugh and apologize or 3. look at your shoes awkwardly waiting then running away quickly   hoping to never see these people again (the option i went with)