Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today a
moment happened. O.o
Yeah I was in biology today, i was just sitting writing about photosynthesis or some shit. And this girl bent down beside me to pick up her bag. I'm my head I said "Shit man your ass just grazed my shoulder. You tried to ignore you tried to disguise you tired to hide but your butt just touched my shoulder, yeah we just touched, TOUCHED  awkwardly..." I wish I had done that out loud lol. This also reminded me of this...
haha not a very good clip. I duno if its acually the right clip because I'm too lazy to watch it lol. But its about when men get dressed in the locker room and there butt touch "Moon Landing" and the old guy (yeah not good with names) is unconfortable touching a gay mans butt, but the gay guy is fine with it. I love modern family :) good show, but I don't watch it often because its on at the same time as all new Simpsons. Tell me what would you choose ;)

I am getting obsessed with posting videos, it like lazy blogging, so I promise next post a normal post ok? Ok :)

Oh yeah guess what?!? I got invited to guest blog! (I know right people like my blog!! I was shocked too) Anyway if you want to see my posts go here you should read some of Em's post too AWESOME! :)


  1. Culprit of posting youtube videos right here! Do I sense a hidden message? HAHA.

    You shouldn't be schocked by the way. You have a real talent for connecting with your readers and making them laugh. Thanks again!

  2. Yeah, you should of sang that! That would have been awesome.

  3. Haha, no hidden messages just a strange love of awkward moments, imagine how boring the world would be without the odd awkward silence here and there, lol.

    Yeah i wish i did sing but hey with my singing voice i could drown goldfish. haha

    Thanks for the comments guys ;)
