Monday, May 23, 2011

Yozza Leftys

I think I'm lefthandest. This morning I had my biology exam. I sat there thinking, then I looked at the people in front of me and I saw a guy in my class writing with his left hand. Then I thought to myself "left hand?!?!? shit thats weird!" Then I thought "shit I'm a lefthandest!" Serious I never thought I was but I honestly find left handers weird I know its sad but I don't know how you could write with your left hand because your hand covers what you previously wrote. Also what is with left hand scissors? I'm sorry leftys I have many left hand friends, being left handed will not make me hate you I will just find it weird when you write stuff.Yes I'm a lefthandest.


  1. Its real funny when I see lefties write. Cause everyone in my class is right handed so I am only used to the right hand!

    I still love lefties though.
