Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Songs In My Empty Head

Don't you hate it when random songs are stuck in your head? For me there really isn't much going on in my head so a song is always running around my head, well its becoming rather distracting.
Yesterday morning me and my friend were studying for biology before the test (I know its hard to believe but yes I studied) and she had Hannah Montana's "This is the life" stuck in her head and was singing it over and over and it got stuck in my head. So I was sitting in the exam thinking this "...if it is to hot enzymes become denatured and can not this is the life hold on tight... shit were was I. Can not catalyze this is the dream its all I SHIT." Today all though my art exam Justin Timberlakes "Sexy Back" was running though my head but I only know "I'm bringing sexy back YEEAP them other boys don't know how to act YEEAH take it to the bridge" Although I like the song the same words going though my head really started piss me off lol. Then after my math exam ended at 1:30pm me and my friend went to Kerikeri library and read old magazines, mainly cracking up at random questions people ask in the advice columns. There was one with the title "Good Feelings" and because some of my readers are 12-13 I won't tell you what the question was about but it was soo funny and my friend started singing a song with the line "good feeling" I can't remember what the song was called but it kept grossing me out and cracking me up and its been stuck in my head ever since lol.
Heres a video of my favorite song at that moment....
I love it make me so happy :)


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